Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Be Nice to each other! We are NEIGHBORS for Gods sake!

I don't nearly possess the literary skills of Lois Layne,
so at times I go on a RANT
If you don't like RANTS skip this one.

While walking in to visit Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, I passed by Tailwaggers, where a couple locals were chatting it up with Lyn the owner, enjoying the company of each others dogs. Inside the store, I overheard from someone that they had been told not to shop at Tailwaggers, for some ungodly reason that I wont repeat and by whom i won't even entertain. (The sad part is I had earlier heard from somewhere else the same story but even more twisted!) Thats when I said that I would write something up.
This is a tight, small community and a mixture of fun easygoing, passing through type resort workers, and great longtime locals. We are in tighter times right now, and we CANNOT afford to pick on each other, and talk smack . What exactly are you trying to prove telling someone something that obviously is NOT true, are you hoping that perhaps we won't go patronize that place and give all of our money to you? Is it that important to bring someone down so that you may gain a few bucks in your pocket? Remember this.... I really don't think someone starts a Petstore to break into the FORBES top 500 Business list. They have a love and care for animals that brings their heart to share their joy with others. I personally have had this same thing happen to me lately, with ridiculous stories told to better themselves, ONLY because it was relayed to them by someone else that held a grudge. It hurts, and it is not fair, and is the cause of loss of friendships. Was it worth it for that extra buck? " NEVER talk bad about your competition let the customer make their choice" was taught by any sensible business teacher. And "If you dont have something good to say , keep your mouth shut" was taught by our mother. START LISTENING...... I challenge everyone that has a heart out there to say something nice to someone, shake their hand, or give them a hug, ..............this negativity has to stop, we are neighbors, we are friends, and as far as the people that like creating rumors go, you need to go and do something good for someone.......you can start by renting Pay it forward

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this site is purely amazing, its about time someone started writing some real news, edgy news, RIGHT news GOOD LUCK