Drove to the edge of Yosemite's Tioga Pass today, and was met at the road gate 2 miles north of Whoa Nellie! by a warm State Trooper blocking the road. " Its closed " he said " Its snowing like crazy and it sticking really hard" So I then went to the powerplant road and took it too the end. As i LOWERED in elevation and entered the valley temperatures plummeted from 38 to 28 and the snow was fairly light at the Powerplant. I took this photo at a campground near there. Allthough there were a few miserable wives huddled around a campfire, overall the people were having fun, calling themselves " Real Campers "
and my dog Malach was running and scampering through the snow like an antelope at the Gobi.
Weather well pretty much be the same tonight but the temps SHOULD stabilize at lows of 32 and highs of 45 all the way till Thursday with best case Partly cloudy skies starting Tuesday.
As for the Pass? Highway state patrol says probably closed until Tuesday
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