High Sierra Country Store
By LL Copyrighted
Porchtime, products, advice and legends
Fundays Calendar
june 18- Full Strawberry Moon
june 19-29 Mammoth Motocross
june 20 Summer Solstice
Midsummer's Eve
june 24 Midsummer Day-for farmers, mid-way through the growing season. Half way point between planting and harvesting. Midsummer's Eve-good night for fertility and some festivities, or is it the other way around?
Horriblescope for the Week of: June 9-15
Gemini- May 21-June 20
Now's the time to rid yourself of pesky insects, get outside, weed, and hoe, hoe, hoe. Do not write your love letters in red ink--it's unlucky.
Cancer-June 21-July 22
Get out and plant something, or transplant someone or yourself. Do not meet a love interest on Sunday--Sunday's wooing turns to boo-hooing.
Leo- July 23- Aug. 22
You should be pruning or shaving for growth. Do not sit at the corners of tables or you'll never marry.
Virgo- Aug. 23- Sept. 22
Join your Cancer pal and do some grafting. Avoid telling your date "Good Night" three times, it's bad luck.
Libra-Sept. 23- Oct. 22
It appears you don't garden, and you probably use a left-handed shovel. Do not wear black funeral clothes when you go courting, or you'll never marry.
Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov.22
So you like secrets, huh? You should plan on grafting with your friends-Cancer and Virgo. You're one of 90 million American singles (14 million in Canada) looking for love, with no guarantees....
Sagittarius-Nov. 23- Dec. 21
You were born an attention-getter. I mean, look at your birth dates. You split America's two, largest holidays--Thanksgiving and Christmas. You and Leo pal will do well pruning together.
Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19
You like to build fences (literally and figuratively) and plant flower beds--so get to it. Throw an apple peel over your left shoulder, and when it falls it will be in the shape of your soul mate's initial.
Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 19
Offer to control pests with bug-a-nators Leo and Gemini, or plow and hoe, which ever suits you best. Speed dating won't work for you.
Pisces-Feb. 20-Mar. 20
You like to plant and play in the dirt, and also enjoy transplanting somewhere else with Scorpio. On June 23, set out cheese, bread and beer on a fresh, white tablecloth. Then leave the front door open. Your lover or your neighbor's dog will show up hungry.
Aries-Mar. 21-Apr. 20
Do all your pruning before the full moon--to encourage growth. Throw a small piece of fish fat against the wall. If it sticks upright, your mate will be upright too. However, if the fish fat sticks crooked...well, you can finish the fill-in-the-blank.
Taurus-Apr. 21-May 20
You are the original red-necked farmer, with your sunburned skin around your shirt collar. You really like to play in the dirt with Cancer and Scorpio friends. Never court on a Friday, or you'll never meet again.
*Disclaimer: Only the ancients believed in this stuff, and they thought the world was flat! Astrology is not a tool to live your life by. It's merely fun, like going to a fortune teller....

Don't Be An ED!
Scene: A park table at Mammoth Creek. It's a sunny, warm day and a couple are enjoying a picnic lunch by the creek. They decide to stroll to the stream's edge--leaving their lunch up for grabs.
ED: Look Lil! Gosh darned it. The squirrels have taken our sandwiches and chips.
Lil: Yep, and that's the end of the picnic, ED!
ED: We can still stay and enjoy the creek, Lil.
Lil: You go right on ahead, ED. I'll just be picking up after our little uninvited lunch guests--before the rest of the forest finds out about meals from wheels.
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